The facts about H1B wage level rfe

The rulemaking of the H-1B visa—which permits U.S. bosses to employ school taught labourers just as design models from abroad—contains language building up a “predominant H1B wage level rfe.”4 This overarching H1B wage level rfe necessity is planned to ensure the H1B wage level rfe of U.S. labourers in occupations requiring a professional education from …

How to Response a Double H-1B RFE and Stop Round Two in Just One Response

When USCIS finds a problematic with your petition, or with your client or employee’s H-1B petition, increasingly often they are discovery somewhat wrong with your response.  The second round of H-1B RFEs hit H-1B hopefuls harder than ever and like a ton of bricks last H-1B season, and this year is similarly bad. At CCI …

H-1B RFE Support: How to Write the Answer to Make the Cut for Visa Approval

The rate of H-1B petitions getting an RFE instead of absolute approval has skyrocketed to 60%.  Its means if you, or your employee or client filed an H-1B petition back in April and made the lottery, they most possible established an RFE.  Of those 60% who received RFEs, just 60% of those RFEs are overturned …

Case study: Indian Three-Year Degree H-1B RFE Inverted!

A continual RFE we tend to see once a year with H-1B candidates is that the education RFE for the Indian three-year bachelor’s degree. Candidates United Nations agency don’t submit certification evaluations that account for the missing fourth year of education with their initial petition get RFEs concerning it now of year. Graduate faculties usually …

H-1B RFE Process Analyze: Expert Opinion Letter from Professor of Computer Sciences Refused

Just last year we had numerous clients arrived at us with specialized company RFEs A number of them arrived to us with RFEs which they had attempted to obtain overturned with an expert opinion letter, and failed. The kind of client moved to us with a specialized business RFE for computer programmer.  He had provided …

Case Analysis: RFE for Incorrect Certification Specialization Overturned!

USCIS and employers have a various concept of exactly what specialized an H-1B worker for their specialized company.  It really is very common for employers to rent an applicant with a degree in a field connected with the position, given they have proper work knowledge to the professional capabilities and experience to perform it. It …

Tips to Response a Double H-1B RFE for Education and Specialty Occupation

RFE season is actually, and when CIS realizes one difficulty with a petition, they tend to discover more.  In the last couple of years, we have seen a major double RFE that involve specialized occupation and education concerns. H-1B eligibility guidelines state that to be eligible for H-1B status the H-1B employee need to hold …

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